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Forge World Top Ten

Forge World February Top Ten

So what were Forge World's top sellers for the month of February?

1. Deredeo Dreadnought Anvilus Autocannon Battery

2. Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought

3. Deredeo Dreadnought Aiolos Missile Launcher

4. Sevatar - First Captain of the Night Lords

5. Imperial Armour - The Siege of Vraks

6. Tyranid Twin-linked Devourers

7. Alexis Polux - 405th Captain of the Imperial Fists

8. Imperial Armour Volume Thirteen - War Machines of the Lost and the Damned

9. Sicaran Battle Tank

10. Konrad Curze - Primarch of the Night Lords

Well, the Deredeo tops the list for good reason.  Sevatar is a very popular character and the Imperial Armour reissue of Vraks, now in one volume, is a great book and needed by the Death Korps among us.

After that the only surprise is the venerable Sicaran Battle Tank which remains the mainstay of the Horus Heresy armies out there.


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